World Book Encyclopedias – A Pop Of Color
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Hey friends! So I had a couple questions regarding the newly obtained and vintage 1959 World Book Encyclopedia set that I scored last week so I thought I’d dive into the find a bit here for ya!Let’s go back to the beginning…like way back to my fall palette post where I shared three fall palette looks. I fell in love with one particular palette that had pretty blues and I know what you’re thinking, blue is not fall but when you throw in some mustard yellows, golds, burnt orange, and bronze you get insta-fall!
So with keeping the color palette of choice in mind I went on a little hunt to find some vintage books to fit my fall look. I stumbled across this set of beautiful blue encyclopedias about a month earlier and revisited them a few times since then. Upon my last visit it just clicked…these are the pop of blues I was looking for, duh Jess, right in from of you the entire time.
Now if anyone has purchased a set of Encyclopedias before knows they can be quite pricey so I was afraid to ask. Alas, I asked and I hid my excitement when the guy said 20 bucks! So I snatched those bad boys up super-fast and ran them to the car. Seriously, I ran because they were heavy and I was going to topple over at any moment!So I have some really exciting plans with these beauts and I can’t wait to share them with y’all once they are done. They will be the main centerpiece of my fall décor and I couldn’t be more excited about this score of awesomeness!
(Milk Glass here | Astilbe Flower Bundle here)
The moral of the story here is, keep your eyes open, and know what color scheme you’re shopping for, and NEVER be afraid to ask a price and maybe even haggle a bit.Is there anything you LOVED but walked away from because you weren’t sure how you could utilize it or you were too afraid to ask a price? Don’t be scared! Just throw them on your back like I did and run! Share any goodies in the comments, I’d love to know!Loves, come follow along on my Instagram for more pics, life and decor, and be sure to check out the Avelyn Lane Pinterest and Facebook page, too!Health, Happiness, and Abundance!JessFull DISCLAMER | DISCLOSURE[wd_hustle id="social-share" type="social_sharing"] [wd_hustle id="email-subscribers" type="embedded"]