Postworthy May Box
Hey guys I have some super exciting stuff going on and I wanted to share it with all of you! As you may already know I am way into health and wellness…like WAY! So our family eats organic and non GMO and we don’t use chemical products in our home or on our bodies. With that said, I was asked to test out some AH-MAZING products in the health and wellness realm and to report back on my favorite.Here’s the toughy…I love them ALL!!! So I want to bring these FIVE awesome products to YOU and let you know what I think about them all. So here it goes!The marketing company behind these boxes of goodness is called Postworthy . Follow them on Instagram: @itspostworthyFor this round I received this lovely box packed with all sorts of awesomeness! Let’s go ahead and break it all down for ya!
“Unlike most beef jerky, which is full of added sugar, artificial flavors, and additives, Stryve’s Beef Biltong is all natural, made with only 4 simple ingredients making it a wholesome and nutritious snack.” Ok that’s what Stryve had to say about their product and here’s what my husband (a beef jerky aficionado) had to say about it, “Wow…it is nice and thin which I like. Great flavors! I finished it in one sitting and want more.”So there you have it from the beef jerky aficionado himself…Stryve
is a totally WIN!
“Designed by supplement geeks with a chocolate obsession, Good Day Chocolate is a mouth-watering candy-coated chocolate supplement. Each piece is packed with premium supplements wraped in delicious Fair-Trade dark or milk chocolate and is verified three times for accurate dosing.” That’s the basic info and here’s the nitty-gritty…OMG they are DELISH!!!! I received the Vitamin D3 Supplement and I seriously couldn’t believe it actually tasted like REAL chocolate, because it is! For all you chocoholics out there, these supplements are for YOU! A Good Day indeed!
” exists to produce the cleanest coffee and tea on Earth and is developing the purest agents of motivation and inspiration for the moments we need them.” Wow, well if that doesn’t say it all, I don’t know what does! I absolutely LOVE the Matcha Green Tea. I mean, obsessed even! It’s so refreshing, not too sweet, and gives you a kick in the pants when you need it most! It’s a definite buy for whenever you’re looking for a refreshing pick-me-up! Now I can’t wait to try their cold brews!
Fat Stick is a go-anywhere-do-anything moisturizing stick. This all-natural, nourishing stick is a lip balm, cuticle repair and lotion stick packed into a single tube.” Can I just say the scent is amazing and the peppermint is oh so tingly on my lips in the best way! It’s so convenient to carry around with me and whip out anytime I need to rub some on! Every woman needs one in her purse! For real!
“Kombucha is a fermented tea, naturally rich in probiotics and healthy organic acids. Health-Ade ferments their tea 100% in glass, produces it in super-small 2.5 gallon batches and flavors it with the highest quality organic ingredients.” I love all sorts of Kombucha and this Health-Ade brand is on the top of my list for sure!So there you have it…my unbiased review of the FIRST box of postworthy goodness! I can’t wait to receive my next box and break it all down for you again! And if you’re interested in getting you own box of goodies to review, head to their website and apply!
Health, Happiness, and Abundance!JessFACEBOOKINSTAGRAM