Postworthy June Box

Hello friends! Summer is totally here and so is my second Postworthy box. *Praise Hands* I’m really excited about my month 2 review of the Postworthy box-o-goodies! In keeping with the health and wellness theme this June box did not disappoint! So here are my thoughts on these products.The marketing company behind these boxes of goodness is called Postworthy . Follow them on Instagram: @itspostworthyFor this round I received this lovely box packed with all sorts of awesomeness!  Let’s go ahead and break it all down for ya!OLYRA encapsulates the wisdom of the ancient Greek’s diet in an all-natural, on-the-go breakfast snack. An ideal blend of whole grain spelt, oat, barley and lupine combined with fruits, herbs and spices, offering sustained energy, 6g of protein and 5g of fiber.”I have to be honest with you, when I first saw this biscuit-like treat I seriously thought it reminded me of my dog’s treats. I was pleasantly surprised when I bit into it to find it tastes nothing like dog treats. I mean not that I know what dog treats taste like, but I imagine not like this breakfast snack. It has a gingerbread taste without the ginger, if that makes sense. So if you don’t like ginger you may not like this. I, however, love ginger therefore I loved this! And they give you 4 pieces per package which is plenty to satisfy your morning hunger!  UNSUN is a clean, lightweight broad spectrum face sunscreen. Perfectly mineral tinted to blend in with multiple skin tomes that range from fair to olive to the darkest of chocolate. UNSUN SPF 30 blends into the skin without leaving a trace. Not only will UNSUN protect your face, but it can also double as a primer.”This tinted sunscreen is different than most I’ve tried in the past. It is thicker in consistency and actually has coverage. Most tinted sunscreens and moisturizers I’ve used in the past are SUPER sheer and while I love the lightness there are some days I need a little extra coverage. Enter Unsun! If you’re looking for a good tinted sunscreen that also covers, well then this is your golden ticket!And as a bonus, I have had zero breakouts from using it! I have extremely sensitive skin and I did the ultimate test and left it on overnight. I know, ahhhhh! But it’s all good! No issues, no breakouts, no biggie! SPLIT is a delicious and new food snack that combines the healthy benefits of pure nut butters with the nutritions and delightful flavors of real fruit jams and jellies. The science in the snack is complex, but the concept is simple – SPLIT is the perfect combination of one good fat and one good carb. Now you can have pure delicious energy on the go, no matter where you go.”I allowed my girls to participate in this review. They are tough critics when it comes to food. *picky eaters* The verdict is....they LOVED them! They shared the peanut butter and grape jelly and they thought they were "yummy". I had the almond butter and strawberry spread and I have to say, this is a go-to snack for sure! Just one warning, make sure you knead the peanut butter prior to opening so the oils are mixed in and avoid a big ole mess.  SOLE SERUM is the world’s first luxury serum designed to target foot pain and provide instant relief. The serum blends pain-relieving power of lidocaine with natural, safe, and soothing ingredients to create an alchemy unmatched in the world of topical healthcare.”Now unfortunately, or fortunately, I don’t have any current foot pain to really test this product. I for sure could have used this a week earlier when I spent a good 10+ hours 3 separate days in Disney. I did, however, try it out on my non-achy feet and it had a nice cooling sensation and the scent is not overwhelming like some pain creams can be. I can’t attest to it’s pain relief capabilities but when I do get a foot pain I’ll be sure to test it and come back here to update y’all! So there you have it…my unbiased review of the SECOND box of postworthy goodness! I can’t wait to receive my next box and break it all down for you again! And if you’re interested in getting your own box of goodies to review, head to their website and apply!Health, Happiness, and Abundance!JessFACEBOOKINSTAGRAMFull DISCLAMER | DISCLOSURE 


Whites, Woods, and Black - A Neutral Living Space


Postworthy May Box