Greenery From Your Backyard
Growing up I loved the movie The Secret Garden (if you don’t know what I’m talking about check it out here). The mystery behind the tall bushes and the things they were standing guard to protect really influenced my love of gardens. I wanted to have a true English garden one day that I could follow butterflies in, tend to, and love for years.
(Photo by Annie Spratt)
All of the beautiful colors this garden produced amazed me. I wanted reds, pinks, and blues in my future garden. Well, that garden is still a dream but I realized I have my own spot of nature right out my back yard. We don’t have flowers but we have all sorts of greenery that I could clip and use in my home.I recently went around my yard looking for some interesting greenery and realized my yard actually had a lot to offer. I started clipping different plants and came up with three types that I thought looked great together!
After gathering all of my clippings I brought out my favorite Ball Mason Jars and used them as vases. I love the simplicity of it and the raw nature. There’s no need to buy the most expensive crystal vases to hold expensive floral arrangements that will just die in a week anyway. Why not look outside of the box and discover what you already have in front of you?
The versatility of these arrangements is endless. I placed mine in a few spots around the house and loved each one! The dining room table is an obvious place for centerpiece-like arrangements. I even took out an old trunk to style them on.
See you don’t have to only think linear with things. I was first like that. I thought, if I can’t grow pretty flowers or have my own Secret Garden then my back yard has nothing to offer me. But when I stopped, looked around, and took it all in I saw the potential. I saw the different shades of green, the bushes that had the shape of flowers, the palms that were the perfect filler pieces.
When was the last time you walked your property, or even stopped on the side of the road, to clip some greenery or wildflowers? Do you think you’ll try it out now if you haven’t before? Find the beauty in the unexpected. Be open to other options. Stop thinking there is only one way to do things. That kind of thinking gets mighty boring.Loves, come follow along on my Instagram for more pics, life and decor, and be sure to check out the Avelyn Lane Pinterest and Facebook page, too!Health, Happiness, and Abundance!JessFull DISCLAMER | DISCLOSURE[wd_hustle id="social-share" type="social_sharing"][wd_hustle id="email-subscribers" type="embedded"]