Chemical-Free Spring Cleaning
I'm excited to have April write a guest post about cleaning the safe way! She is also a wellness educator with Young Living essential oils and she has taught me so much, I know you will learn some valuable information from her. From her family, to yours...Enjoy!--------------------------------Clean Safely!It’s spring! And for many of us that means Spring Cleaning is just around the corner! But while most of us are thinking about detoxing our homes of dirt and clutter, we might as well use this as an opportunity to detox our bodies as well! Believe it or not we are exposed to hundreds of toxic chemical everyday! Most them before breakfast! They are in our personal hygiene, beauty and yes, our cleaning products! And those cleaning products we use are some of the biggest offenders! It is a real cause for concern because we are bombarded with chemicals daily; they build up in our bodies over time and can cause a variety of health problems! Here are just 3 of the most common toxins in household cleaners, the types of product you can find them in, and the risks associated with them:
- 2-Butoxyethanol (commonly found in window & multipurpose cleaners) Risks: sore throat when inhaled, at high levels can also contribute to narcosis, pulmonary edema, and severe liver and kidney damage
- Ammonia (commonly found in bathroom & window cleaners, jewelry cleaner) Risks: can trigger asthma, chronic bronchitis with regular to frequent exposure
- Bleach & Chlorine (commonly found in scouring powders, toilet bowl cleaners, mildew removers, laundry whiteners) Risks: respiratory and skin irritant, can be a hormone disrupter
I’d like to help you identify the toxins in your home and discover some natural substitutions for everyday products so you can ditch those nasty chemicals and switch to a natural toxic free alternative; making your house and your body a safer place!Let’s begin with assessing the problem. Take a look at those cleaning products you have underneath your kitchen or bathroom sink. Look at the labels. Do you know what the ingredients are? Heck, can you even pronounce some of them? I know I can’t! We have a general rule of thumb in our house, if we can’t pronounce it, we don’t use it. Do you feel safe allowing your children to clean with them? Do the labels carry warning against children using them? Do you really want you or your children inhaling those toxic fumes? Are they safe to use around your pets? I want my house to be safe and clean for everyone and with Young Living Essential Oils and cleaning products I don’t have to choose between the two!We clean our entire house with Young Living’s Thieves Concentrated Household Cleaner! We use it to clean our sinks, counter tops, mirrors, windows, baseboards, carpets, floors, and yes even the toilets! It truly is an all-purpose cleaner. Not only is it effective but its plant and mineral based and 100% chemical free! With zero harmful synthetic chemicals or toxic ingredients, it’s completely safe to use around children and pets. And since it safe for everyone to use we can even get the little ones involved in cleaning time. It’s also, completely biodegradable, making it safer choice for the environment as well. We tried so many all-natural cleaning products when we first began swapping out our conventional chemical products for all natural ones, but this one is the only product that smells and cleans amazing!If you are not familiar with Young Living Essential Oils or their Thieves line of products, let me change your life! Thieves Household Cleaner is infused with Thieves Essential Oil. Thieves, (a proprietary essential oil blend), is a powerful combination of Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus Radiata, and Rosemary essential oils. It has a rich, spicy aroma that smells just like the Holidays. The name Thieves was inspired by the legend of four 15th-century French thieves who formulated a special aromatic combination composed of clove, rosemary, and other botanicals used while robbing the dead and dying, Thieves is one of Young Living’s most popular products.With the benefits of Thieves oil including it’s cleaning power and the irresistibly spicy scent, Young Living offers it as an essential oil blend and as an important ingredient in a full range of home cleaning and personal care products, that range from dish soap to toothpaste. We have replaced all of our chemical cleaning products with just 14.4 oz. bottle of Thieves Concentrated Household Cleaner! Just 1!!! Seriously! One concentrated bottle will actually make approximately 28, 30oz. spray bottles of cleaner. That means that each bottle ends up costing way less than the conventional chemical-filled cleaners we used to buy!Want to get your hands on some of these amazing products? There’s two ways you can! You can order a bottle as a retail customer (where you’ll pay a little more, about 24% more), or you can sign up as a wholesale member here. As a wholesale you can choose the Premium Starter Kit, like this one.
The Premium Starter Kit comes with 11 of Young Living’s amazing therapeutic grade Essential Oils that are perfect for everyday use and you also get a diffuser, or you can get the Thieves Starter Kit loaded with all types of Thieves products, such as the items pictured below. With both options there is zero obligation to sell anything and no further purchase obligations. You can simply sign up and purchase your oils and enjoy the 24% off wholesale member discount! It’s that simple!
To order your kit, click here. If you’re most interested in the Thieves Starter Kit pictured above, that comes with TWO bottles of Thieves Household Cleaner concentrate! In addition to a sampling of other Thieves products displayed in the image, just click the “Other Premium Kits” tab when it’s time to choose your starter kit. You’ll see the Thieves kit there.You should automatically find my member number on your signup form (#2870921). This associates you with me, and it allows me to offer you support as you get started with your oils or your Thieves Household Cleaner. It also makes you eligible for our private Facebook groups where we share tips and information about natural wellness and cleaning. If you choose one of the Premium Starter Kits or the Thieves kit, I’ll also send you a valuable welcome package and some FREE oily goodies that will help you get started on your new path to wellness with essential oils.Anyone who decides to get started with a Starter Kit between now and April 30, 2017, will receive a copy of the best selling book, The Chemical Free Home by Melissa Poepping from me personally along with your welcome package and oily resources. It’s loaded with tons of essential oil infused DIY recipes from deodorant to furniture polish that will enhance your healthy lifestyle and reduce your chemical exposure.I am so excited to help you ditch those traditional chemical cleaners and products! Now let me leave you with a few more practical tips on how to clean safely and effectively with your Thieves Household Cleaner.Let’s live life with purpose, abundance and wellness!April DanielleWellness Educator with Young Living Essential OilsFB: Drop Into Wellness *Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. I’m just a mom sharing our family’s experiences. You should do what you feel is best for your family.