Adding Spring to the Living Room
We live in perpetual warmth here in Florida so our seasons are either hot or hotter. Right now we are in the hot phase which can only mean one thing...hotter is on it's way and for us that means spring. Strange isn't it? Yea, coming from New Jersey it takes a lot to get used to the seasons, or lack there of, down here.
Anywho much like the "winter" and Christmas season I'm incorporating things slowly. Just letting things organically happen as I get the inspiration bug. I find that forcing things just never works out and you end up fiddling with things constantly and never 100% happy with it.
The first thing I did was add a pop of color with flowers! I usually go all faux because black thumb and cost of constantly replenishing my floral game but for now I'm going all real! So I'm sharing our sweet yellow/orange rose buds that I added to our shelving in our living room. I kept everything else the same but just by adding these bud vases and roses it's like instant spring.

How do you decorate for the seasons? Do you go all out and all at once? Or are you more like me and you take your time and only incorporate the things that truly bring you joy and serve a purpose?
Thank you for visiting today. I’d love for you to stop by my Instagram page @avelynlane and lets chat about today's post and let me know what you thought. You can also check out more on our Facebook page Avelyn Lane. Come Pin with me too at our Pinterest.
May this season and all seasons bring you joy!
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