Winter Living Room Tour
The buzz on the Internet and social media lately is all about, how to transition to winter decor once the Holidays are over. Well I may be just a tad behind in writing this but in most parts of the country, winter is sticking around for quite a bit longer.
Find sources below and if there's something you love simply click on the product photo and it will take you directly to my affiliate link.

My Christmas decor was a vintage neutral mix with greens. Much of which I was able to repurpose into my winter decor. Vintage brass candlesticks, antiqued mirrors, winter eucalyptus, and white accents all remain in this winter refresh.

Below sources from Ikea.
From Left to Right:
1. Hovstra 16" x 20"
2. Hovstra 9" x 9"
3. Ribba 7" x 9"
4. Ribba 19" x 19"
5. Tullsta Chair
The alcove space was home to our main Christmas Tree and our handmade stockings. The tree has since vacated and the stockings have been taken down. Now my favorite DIY gallery wall is back up!

How did you make the transition into winter decor and how long will you be keeping your winter vibes going before making the switch to spring?

Thank you for visiting today. I’d love for you to stop by my Instagram page @avelynlane and lets chat about what you're winter decor looks like and let me know what you thought about the post today. You can also check out more on our Facebook page Avelyn Lane. Come Pin with me too at our Pinterest.
May this season and all seasons bring you joy!
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