Winter Essential Oil Recipes

I love playing around with a variety of essential oils to create a recipe that evokes a feeling or brings back a memory. These are my favorite winter essential oil recipes that I incorporate in our home to bring about the feelings of Christmas, warmth, and days of snow. We moved from New Jersey to Florida just over 3 years ago so these scents bring back the memories of New Jersey life. Enjoy!Love to you all!-Jess Andretta-Help Lead Families Down a Path of Health & Wellness While Living an Abundant LifeFACEBOOKINSTAGRAMDisclaimer: I am not a doctor. This post is not medical advice. This is my personal experience about what worked for me and my family. I have no way of knowing if essential oils truly helped any of the situations described.Full DISCLAMER | DISCLOSURE


Essential Oils and Water


Benefits of Frankincense