Wildlife Artwork Source
We have been slowly working on our girls' shared bedroom for a while. Now that we finally have the furniture for the space it's time to work on the extras like artwork.
I had seen a set of 3 framed prints from Wayfair when we were on the hunt for the girls' bunk bed. This is how the artwork looked with the bunk bed that we chose.
Purchasing all three pieces of artwork was just a little out of budget for us so I decided to download some artwork from Unsplash and edit the photos myself to be black and white. I printed them from home but you can easily take the files to Office Depot or somewhere similar to have them printed rather inexpensively.
Here are the images that I chose from Unsplash. Simply click on the picture to take you to the download page.
Here are the photos once I edited them to be black and white. If you'd like to use these in your space simply click the image and download the file to your computer. If you share these please make sure you give the photographer credit. All photographers are noted under the original photos above.
The frames I purchased for these prints are from Target. I simply removed the mat so the full 11"x14" was seen.

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May this season and all seasons bring you joy!
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