Updating a Modern Floor Lamp

When my friend asked me if I would be interested in her multi arc floor lamp I pretty much jumped at the offer. I know how much these lights cost and along with the super solid marble base, this one was a show stopper!

I don't have much silver in my home so while I LOVED the style of the floor lamp I knew I had to change the finish to blend well with my style. So I decided to paint my newly acquired floor lamp and I thought I would share how I did it with all of you!

Also, stay tuned for the end of this post where I share LOTS of arc floor lamps in all different styles and price ranges. These lights are very much on trend and at the same time super classic!

Here's what you'll need to get started:

  • Paint + Primer Spray Paint
  • Drop cloth or plastic covering to protect the ground outside (I covered my base with a shopping bag)
  • Painters Tape
  • Newspaper to cover any larger areas that you don't want sprayed
  • Wet Rag
  • Scissors

Now it's time to prep and paint!

  1. First you're going to want to clean your lamp of any dust or residue. If there is any greasey or sticky areas use an all purpose cleaner. Be sure it is all removed or the paint may not adhere correctly.
  2. Allow it to dry completely.
  3. Remove all bulbs and/shades.
  4. Tape off the electrical chord. You can wrap the cord in newspaper and used the painter's tape to secure it.
  5. Tape off the socket that the bulb screws into.
  6. Lay out your drop cloth or plastic.
  7. Now in slow and even movements start to lightly apply your first coat. You want to do several light coats apposed to one heavy coat. This will help avoid any runs in the paint.
  8. Wait for each coat to dry in between.
  9. Once you have completely covered the lamp and are happy with the results remove all the newspaper and painter's tape.
  10. Insert the bulbs and secure any lamp shades and you're ready to add her to your space.

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If DIYing a floor lamp is not your thing or you just can't find the right one, then maybe some of these that I rounded up could be for you! So what do you think? Will you try the DIY lamp revamp or head to the store to buy a new one? I'd love to know what you think so share it in the comments below!

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Thank you for visiting today. I’d love for you to stop by my Instagram page @avelynlane and lets chat about today's post and let me know what you thought. You can also check out more on our Facebook page Avelyn Lane. Come Pin with me too at our Pinterest.

May this season and all seasons bring you joy!


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