Rhythms and Routines

I’ve got in the BAD habit of relying on my phone for stimulation, especially since I work from home and part of what I do is interacting with people and building relationships which means…phone time is a necessity. There does come a time when you need to stop the mindless scrolling and that’s especially true when it’s time to go to bed.How often do we take time out to unwind and rest our minds before heading off to bed? There are a lot of things that can distract us from taking care of ourselves and for me, the cell phone at night is the biggest distraction! Who’s with me on that?Here are some things you can work into your nighttime routine to get the rest we all so desperately need!

  1. Turn off all electronics! Electronic devices like TVs, gaming consoles, computers and cell phones are known to stimulate the brain. The light from these electronics can interfere with your internal body clock and they can be addictive. Turn off the devices at least one hour before going to sleep.
  2. Relaxation exercises such as meditation. Many people can’t fall asleep because their minds are active often time with worry, stress, or anxiety. Meditation can help to alleviate this and even 10 minutes at night can help enormously. There are some great guided meditations on YouTube and to help put you into further rest try diffusing Frankincense essential oil. Frankincense has an uplifting aroma that’s perfect for grounding and spiritual connectedness.
  3. Have a relaxing drink. Steer clear of the caffeinated drinks before bedtime. I like to wind down with a cup of decaf tea. I add in a teaspoon of honey, 2 drops of Lemon Vitality essential oil, and 1 drop of Thieves Vitality. Lemon Vitality adds a citrus flavor to your tea and Thieves Vitality helps to boost your immune system.
  4. Take a break and enjoy a warm bath. A great way to detox from your day is to enjoy a relaxing Epsom salt bath. Check out my Epsom Salt Bath post on how to create the most relaxing bath.
  5. Create a relaxing atmosphere. Keep a diffuser by your bedside and at least 30 minutes prior to bedtime start diffusing your favorite relaxing essential oils. Here are the ones that I love to use:
    1. Lavender – Lavender essential oil helps to relax your mind and body.
    2. Cedarwood – Cedarwood essential oil helps to create a calming yet powerful environment when you diffuse.
    3. Peace and Calming & Peace and Calming II – These proprietary blends create a relaxing and pleasant aroma when diffused.
    4. Kidscents SleepyIze – This blend is the perfect combination of essential oils to help create a peaceful aromatic environment for kids.

It takes most people 20-30 minutes to fall asleep so when you’re still awake after a half an hour you may not be ready to go to sleep. Instead of just laying there for hours you need to get up, go into another room and repeat some of your routine. Try another 10 minute round of meditation or breath in those relaxing essential oils.I’m curious to know if you have a bedtime routine and do you repeat the same routine every night, or just once in a while? Please feel free to share your ideas in the comments below. We could all use some guidance on a good night’s sleep!If you’re interested in learning more about how essential oils could be the key to a restful sleep reach out to me! I’d love to share how they work.Love to you all!-Jess Andretta-Help Lead Families Down a Path of Health & Wellness While Living an Abundant LifeFACEBOOKINSTAGRAMDisclaimer: I am not a doctor. This post is not medical advice. This is my personal experience about what worked for me and my family. I have no way of knowing if essential oils truly helped any of the situations described.Full DISCLAMER | DISCLOSURE 


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