Our Christmas Card Photos

I don't know about you but when I hear the countdown to Christmas I think of only a few things...ONE did we buy everyone's gifts, TWO what are we serving on Christmas Day, and THREE holy crap we still didn't do our Christmas cards yet!!!

I go into panic mode when it comes to our Christmas cards because most of our family are nowhere near us and I want them to see just how beautiful our two daughters are and how much they have grown so the pressure is ON!

I then quickly remind myself that our card does not need to be perfect and we just need to capture the essence of Christmas, whatever that may be to each of you. For us, it's our kids and the look of excitement in their eyes when they look at their twinkling tree. BOOM! Our Christmas card theme for 2018 was born!

Check out our sweet little photo session that took about 10 minutes and we didn't even leave the house! Now how perfect is that?!

Here are our Christmas cards we had printed by Shutterfly and here is the design we chose this year. 

And have you seen Burt's Bee organic jammies? We get them every year and they are so soft and cozy! The ones in this year's card are the Fair Isle.

Thank you for visiting today. I’d love for you to stop by my Instagram page @avelynlane and lets chat about your Holiday plans and let me know what you thought about the post today. You can also check out more on our Facebook page Avelyn Lane and our Pinterest Avelyn Lane.

May this season and all seasons bring you joy!


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