Open Shelving & Kitchen Organization
So I did a thing recently and I removed the cabinet doors to several of our Kitchen cabinets to test drive this open shelving trend. Well, the verdict is still out with the hubs but I LOVE IT!
This was such an easy refresh and while I still find myself trying to close invisible cabinet doors, I love the ease of simply reaching up and getting what I need. Plus it MAKES you stay organized in the kitchen because it's all on display....literally!
So I took this opportunity to freshen up my organizational skills, or lack thereof, and share with you all what I used to achieve the look.

I found that one of the easiest ways to make your open shelving look clean and not cluttered is to use simple white dinnerware. I already had these amazing Corelle dinnerware pieces on hand but you can find everything at Target and the best part is they do not break! So when the kiddos "help" me with the dishes I don't have to worry about them being dropped while dried.

I debated on what I should do above our microwave. I wasn't sure if I should take those doors down or not but I figured, what the heck! If I don't like it I can always put them back up.
The original plan was to stack my cookbooks but that looked too cluttered for me so I decided to display my collection of cutting boards. My favorites are from a small shop called Our Board Boutique sold on Etsy.

Can I just tell you how life changing it is to have your most used food ingredients, spices, and dried goods available to you right then and there? I think that my be my favorite part! I made sure they all looked nice and pretty with an acacia space rack to display our spices, matching glass jars, and our Corningware. Also, I highly recommend labeling your jars. It may be obvious in most cases what the insides are but you don't want to mix up flour with powdered sugar.
Do you guys have open shelving in your kitchen space or any organizational tips you can share with us? I'd love to hear them!
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May this season and all seasons bring you joy!
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