My Young Living Story

My Young Living story started off with a 4 year old’s birthday party. A new friend our daughter made at her pre-school. We were still a very new family to the sunshiney state of Florida by way of New Jersey and didn’t know many people. I’m a stay-at-home mom so my interactions with the adult sized humans were very limited. To say this 4 year old birthday party changed everything would be a wild understatement!We walked into this family’s home, which we’ve never been to before and we’ve maybe said a few words in passing at drop off but it was an instant family connection. The home was inviting, the people were real, and we, as new Floridians, felt welcomed.This is how the Young Living path began; my husband found interest in their fancy glass dome shaped smelly thingy (now known as the Aria). He played with the remote, found the LED and music buttons and, being the tech guy that he is, found interest in it and had that “gotta have it” moment. That next day I contacted the mother that welcomed us to her son’s birthday party and asked her where she got her dome smelly thing, still not knowing what it was but knew it had to be a part of our home. She sent me a link, I clicked, I perused, I BOUGHT IT!Now with the Aria in our home, along with a second DIFFUSER (happy to learn what it was) I was a mixing and matching essential oil mixologist of sorts and I loved it! I diffused things that cleared the air of stinky dog, I diffused oils that lifted my spirits, I diffused oils to awaken and energize. I diffused ALL DAY, EVERY DAY!Soon these aromatic uses expanded to topical treatments of skin irritations and itchies, skin brightening and blemish control, tension and aches. I used oils for EVERYTHING! That’s the good news but the bad news was the 11 essential oils that came with my kit were so essential that I was running out! You can equate the feeling to running out of toilet paper just after eating taco bell in your 30s when your stomach is no longer made of the steel and iron of college years. Graphic? YES! True? YESSSSS!!!So I explored the world of Essential Rewards. Holy cow, you’re telling me I can click on my favorite must haves, never run out ofs and they will be delivered to me EVERY MONTH? Say what? I jumped on that bandwagon so fast I left burn marks! I now look forward to my Essential Rewards order every month just like I look forward to my coffee in the mornings. And I love my coffee!Once I was set on my Essential Rewards journey I thought, hey, this journey has helped my family in so many ways that I feel it in my bones that I need to do the same for others. And along with helping others I can make an income that not only pays for my Essential Rewards orders every month but earns me an income where I can make my own hours, be a mom to our kids, and go out for that Starbucks without the guilt, or head off to Disney for a weekend! Oh and let’s not forget about the date nights with the husband. These are the things that being a Young Living Distributor have helped me to do and I want YOU to benefit from it as well. I mean why not? You are basically getting paid to live a healthy life and share your health and wellness journey with others!I was so incredibly lucky when I met this wonderful family that introduced us to Young Living. I’m a part of a team that supports, encourages, and works with you to help you be the best you can be! I want to invite any of you that are interested in health, interested in living a chemical-free lifestyle, interested in helping others on their healthy living journey AND interested in the financial freedom and the ability to fire your boss! Who doesn’t want to stay home and watch their children grow? Who doesn’t want to say hey, let’s go OUT for dinner tonight? Who doesn’t want to say, I am my own boss and I am truly grateful and 100% happy with my life and all that encompasses? Yea we ALL want this and we CAN! Be a part of our team! Join us in our dreams to build an empire and cheer each other on as we do so. Message me on Facebook, email me at or, or click HERE to get on the oily path NOW. I am so excited to have you on our team! I am here to help, guide, encourage, and love you all!


All About Essential Oils


My Favorite Citrus Oils