Hitting the Reset Button

Phew guys...do you ever have those days, weeks, months where you feel like your world is swirling and those closest to you are totally on edge which means you inevitably become on edge as well? Having those moments so close to the Holidays only makes matters worse! 

Current state of mind is in a frenzy but I'm trying to hold it all together because dangit, I gotta! So over the weekend I suggested a little reset to the hubs which means...day trip to the beach. Luckily we are only 10 miles from the coast so these salty resets are easily accessible to us....thank goodness!

So we headed to the beach; the hubs, the girls, and myself. I grabbed some sand toys and my camera and out the door we went. I wanted to share with you the pictures I captured while on our reset mission and I'm happy to report, Mission Completed!

We successfully hit our reset button on this short trip. It was cut short due to rain but we got just enough sand, sun and waves to free our minds and our souls. Where do you go to hit your reset button? Share it in the comments.

Thank you for visiting today. I’d love for you to stop by my Instagram page @avelynlane and lets chat about your Holiday plans and let me know what you thought about the post today. You can also check out more on our Facebook page Avelyn Lane. Come Pin with me too at our Pinterest.

May this season and all seasons bring you joy!


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