Embrace Your Year-End Goals

By now you’ve been in full-on reflection mode of what you’ve accomplished this year so far. And I’m sure you’re also looking at those goals you haven’t yet reached.  The later has probably been on your mind more than the things you have accomplished and trust me, I’m guilty of this too.Earlier in the year one of my goals was to step out of my comfort zone and talk to people, all the people, about my experience with health and wellness and how it has helped our family tremendously. Well, whad’ya know, I’m certainly doing that the last couple months of the year! I’m bringing you more information on living chemical-free via my blog posts, I’m offering amazing essential oil combinations to increase your family’s health and wellness, and I’m teaching classes to those that are interested in learning more about essential oils and their uses.This last month, I’m deciding to stop letting my “haven’t achieved” list get the better of me and, instead, start planning and intention setting for the remainder of the year and beginning of next, and I invite you to do the same!Since this year has flown by incredibly fast, and it's almost time to say goodbye to 2017, to help you prepare for the new year FTD has created adorable printable calendars, so that you can have a more organized 2018. They come in full page printouts (8.5" x 11") for those that like room to write all over, as well as a desktop version (11" x 17") that can be folded into an upright calendar. These have helped me in 2017 and I plan to use them in 2018 as well!Need clarity and direction in creating a health and wellness goals for 2018 that gets you feeling status quo to abso-freakin-lutely in love with your life and health? I’d love to chat with you and help identify where you can take your wellness passions. Send me a message at jessica@avelynlane.com or find me on Facebook Avelyn Lane.


Benefits of Frankincense


This Is My Why - The Andrea Renaud Hayes Story