Crystal Chandelier Roundup
Our household is not glamorous by any means. We don't have any reflective surfaces unless you include mirrors and windows. But what we do have that could be considered a little fancy are chandeliers.

So if I'm going to be 100% transparent with you, if given the choice between a zsa zsa crystal chandelier or a rustic/modern drum light I'm going to choose the drum light. HOWEVER, there is something special about a crystal chandelier and the way the sun hits it just right to cascade magical rainbows into a room.

I'm sharing our entryway chandelier and some others here on the blog today to inspire my "less-than-glamorous" friends to break free and start dancing in the rainbows!

I don't have a source for our chandelier as it was already here when we moved in. Luckily the previous owners had really good taste! We have ceiling mount chandeliers and a closet chandelier as well both from Pottery Barn. So I ain't mad about our entryway one either!

The sources below are a roundup of several different styles of crystal chandeliers. Some traditional, some modern, and some hollywood. If there's one you LOVE simply click the photo and it will take you to my affiliate link.
Thank you for visiting today. I’d love for you to stop by my Instagram page @avelynlane and lets chat about crystal chandeliers and let me know what you thought about the post today. You can also check out more on our Facebook page Avelyn Lane. Come Pin with me too at our Pinterest.
May this season and all seasons bring you joy!
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