A Day on the Farm
Many people say it is more about the memories than the things. And I have to say, these people are so right! I notice as our girls get older that they truly do love sharing moments with us and creating memories together way more than the latest Barbie or the newest gadget. Now don’t get me wrong, our girls do love their toys but I can honestly say if given a choice between a toy or an adventure, they would 100% choose an adventure with their mama and daddy!I was reminded of this when I took our girls to a working farm not far from our home. This farm, Jupiter Creamery, opens their pastures to the general public so we all get to see what really goes down as a farmer. The girls were able to wash and feed cows, interact with a sweet calf, pet the piggies, and chase the chickens.
The smiles on these girls’ faces said it all! “Mama this was the best day ever!” That just warms my heart and gives me hope for the future. Hope that they won’t fall into the trap of having the latest and greatest of THINGS but enjoying the life they have and the adventures we share as a family.
It’s my goal to introduce them to as many things as possible and live a full life. We don’t need to fill our spaces with all the things, we need to fill our hearts with all the moments we share with one another.
Big ole bear hugs go out to my buddies. I truly love that I get to share my life and family and home with all of you! And I hope you take away a message of love, grace, and inspiration. So go live your life, make those memories, and cherish those beautiful moments!Loves, come follow along on my Instagram for more pics, life and decor, and be sure to check out the Avelyn Lane Pinterest and Facebook page, too!Health, Happiness, and Abundance!JessFull DISCLAMER | DISCLOSURE[wd_hustle id="social-share" type="social_sharing"][wd_hustle id="email-subscribers" type="embedded"]